This post is to show how GB(goBILDA) and Tetrix channels can be attached parallel to each other. My pictures are primarily full U channel but the pattern is the same with the low side GB channel as well. There are several ways in which channels can be attached depending how you want the end product to turn out, you can make it so either edge is flush or so that it's centered. There are more ways to connect than pictured here by extending the Tetrix edge even further off the GB channel, however I didn't think that was going to be extremely common so I did not photograph it. The ability for the faces to line up flush it amazing it makes interfacing other components much easier! Here are some pictures that emphasize where the patterns overlap.
My apologies, formatting the pictures on blogger is near impossible,
However in the picture below I accidentally put a bolt through the wrong hole
it should be vertically down one more tetrix spacing.
This simply shows how to channel could be bolted together and then another channel interface on top of them easily |
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