Today's mission involved getting friendly with GoBILDA's servo mounts and new servos. Before getting started on how to mount these to Tetrix I want to give you a couple of reasons to consider the GB servo's and mounts over the Tetrix ones as I feel they are superior. Flat out the mounts are more sturdy, easier to attach/detach, offer more positions for mounting, and also allow for the use of servoblocks which allow for servos to become a main feature of your robot because they can handle heavy and especially lateral loads easily. In terms of servos lets take a look at the servo specs of a couple regular hiTech servos, if you would like to look at this info here is the link:
Comparing the Servos
So the 2 most common servos I used were 485HB's and 645MG's for light and heavy loads respectively. The 485 costs $17 from actobotics and has 83 oz-in torque @6v(rev hubs don't supply 6v you need the power booster). The 645 is $30 and offers 133 oz-in torque (@6v)Lets take a look at thee GB servo: its $24 has 200 oz-in torque @6v, faster angular rotation, and all metal gears. In addition it can be converted to a continuous rotation servo with a programmer(Hitech requires a totally different servo). So with almost a huge jump in torque from the 645 as well as lower price and the ability to convert to a continuous rotation servo I think these are the best buy for teams! Keep in mind you will need different horns as the number of splines is different between hitec and GB(futaba spline) Also both GB and Actobotics offer 25% discounts for FTC teams.
Servo Mounts
I have one servoblock from Gb as well as the other mounts available so I decided to look at how they can be interfaced with Tetrix.
ServoBlock Mounting
The stock base plate is quite hard to mount as the side holes aren't far enough away from the servo to mount to edge tetrix holes. however I found that the two end holes can be mounted to the tetrix as shown, however you must use larger washers or smaller bolts to keep the servo mounting bolts from interfering with the Tetrix. (See right)
(See Left)
Here are some pics of how the other mounts line up. The one with the GB pattern off the end of it is extremely easy to mount as it is just like mounting any piece of GB channel to Tetrix, it lines up in almost every way you want. The other tapped mount is a little more difficult, because M4 screws don't fit through Tetrix. My next post will show you how to remedy that!
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